Bemes, Inc. is proud of its eco-friendly initiatives and is committed to reducing its impact on the environment.  

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Native Plants

The native plants in our landscaping provide many environmental benefits such as habitat for insects and small animals and food sources for all types of wildlife. As the native plants are adapted to our local environment, they have a greatly reduced need for supplemental water. Furthermore, native plants can help with soil erosion from flooding


Bees are extremely valuable to our environment and agriculture. In recent years, bee colonies have been collapsing. In response to this, Bemes has several bee hives on site. These pollinators play a crucial role in the health of the environment.  


Renewable energy

Bemes, Inc has taken several steps to reduce its energy consumption. Bemes, Inc.'s Fenton campus is powered by four solar arrays. Light bulbs have been switched over to energy saving LED technology. Bemes is committed to reducing its carbon footprint.

Paperless invoicing

Whenever possible, Bemes, Inc. uses e-technology in its billing practices to reduce paper waste.